Total Medals Earned: 1,207 (From 179 different games.) Total Medal Score: 20,835 Points
Medals Earned: 4/5 (45/70 points)
Went right.
Get a game over.
Use the B power for the first time.
Defeated ki1o.
Bought every item in the Clock Mart
Medals Earned: 2/11 (15/285 points)
Allow a fish to die and plug his own hole.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Destroy at least eight blowfish in a single game with other dead blowfish.
Make a diver accidentally swim into a mine.
Kill at least eight BP divers in a single game with dead blowfish.
Destroy at least eight mines in a single game with dead blowfish.
Last long enough to destroy BP and Tony Hayward on his yacht.
Get a single Bullet Bill torpedo to kill two BP divers.
Survive long enough to destroy BP and Tony Hayward without dying.
Kill no divers or submarines, but still destroy the BP oil rig in a single game.
Kill at least five submarines in a single game.
Medals Earned: 5/5 (90/90 points)
Hitting the bottle
Medals Earned: 13/17 (350/525 points)
Take down the Airbus A380
Take down the BAE Hawk
Take down the Broadcast helicopter
Take down the CH46 Sea Knight helicopter
Take down the crocodile jet
Take down the DHC 2 Beaver
Take down the HH65Dolphin helicopter
Crush 10 kayaks
Nuke Sydney
Take down the sailplane
Take down the UFO
Take down the zeppelin
Kill 9 horses
Eat 60 pieces of Orca
Kill 30 cruise ship passengers
Kill 10 sky divers
Medals Earned: 12/22 (225/500 points)
Conquer the first base.
Find the blue backpack.
Find the green backpack.
Conquer the second base.
Find the orange backpack.
Find the purple backpack.
Find the red backpack.
Find the sky blue backpack.
Conquer the fourth base.
Conquer the third base.
Find the black backpack.
Find the gray backpack.
Find the pink backpack.
Find the white backpack.
Find the yellow backpack.
Conquer the sixth base.
Conquer the fifth base.
Conquer the seventh base.
Find all 11 backpacks.
Reach General rank.
Medals Earned: 12/12 (500/500 points)
Defeat Team Henchmen.
Defeat Team Armormen.
Defeat Team Armor-X-men.
Defeat Team Gunslingermen.
Defeat Team Maskedmen.
Defeat Team Swordsmen.
Defeat Team Snipermen.
Defeat Team Goldmen.
Defeat Team Epicmen.
Defeat Team Jedimen.
Reach Level 20.
Defeat all 10 teams.
Medals Earned: 1/9 (10/355 points)
Terrible Game
Bad Game
Good Game
Nice Game
Great Game
Perfect Game
Medals Earned: 12/14 (200/400 points)
Beat the shit outa your axe with the A.T.P. agent.
Beat the shit outa the A.T.P. agent with your axe.
Rip the first dude's head off.
Perform The Beast's signature smiley fatality.
Shotgun rape the first guy.
Medals Earned: 1/12 (5/295 points)
Decide to play the game.
Visit the disco zone three times because you love to dance.
Try to bribe Big Frank too early.
Try to grab all the tables.
Collect a piece of fine carpet when your boss isn't looking.
Talk to every potential inventory item before collecting it.
Give your presentation while Gilda is topless.
Figure out the only way to die in the game.
Finish the game in under 2 minutes.
Medals Earned: 6/7 (35/40 points)
Exactly what the title says.
At least the pillow cushioned the fall?
Not quite right...
Warm Sisterly Feels
At least there's food this time.